Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Letter to Gavin.

I was gifted with a pregnancy journal by one of my besties shortly after announcing that we were expecting. I knew I would want a place to write down all of the fun memories, the cravings and yes, even the backaches, so I would never forget the joy that my first pregnancy has brought me. 

As I was filling out the pages for weeks 26 and 27 over the weekend, I stumbled upon a page that was left open to write your first letter to your baby. I was totally floored when I read this. I knew I'd be writing letters to Gavin in the upcoming months as we await his arrival, and the heartfelt new Mommy letter about how we can't imagine our lives without him in them was a must, but I hadn't thought about writing a letter to him at this point. As I stared at the page, I thought 'why not?' and I knew I would want to catalog the first letter here on my blog.

I thought a lot about how and where to start this letter, but I know that I often write (and think) best when I just pour my heart out. So, here goes. My first attempt at a mushy, heartfelt letter to our little man. 

Dear Gavin,

I can hardly believe that, in just three months, we will finally get to lay our eyes on your sweet face. We are so excited to meet you and want you to know how much we already love you.

I guess it would make sense for me to give you a bit of the back story on your crazy loving parents. Your Momma & Daddy met in college, but didn't start dating until after graduation. It was a love neither of us could deny, and we just knew that God had led us to each other for a reason. After about three years of dating, we got engaged and started planning our wedding. Then, on a beautiful fall day in early November, we tied the knot and there has been no looking back since. 

It might also be helpful to add that we didn't waste any time in the 'training ourselves to be parents' department. We rescued your furry, big sister Riley after just three months of marriage, and have been busy spoiling her and learning lots about each other ever since. Once our one year anniversary passed, we knew that the next step we wanted to take was starting our 'human' family.

So, we prayed that God would give us patience, and would bless us with children of our own. It sure seemed like a long road that He led us down before we got the big news that you would be joining our family in about nine months, but we know that we are stronger and more prepared because of it.

Ever since the night that we saw those two positive test results, we have been praying for you. Dreaming of what life will be like when you are finally in our arms, and knowing that it was truly God's intention that you be our first born.

Your Daddy was over the moon the night we found out you were a boy. You see, you already have some boy cousins, and a few uncles, so you will be in good company in this family. And, your Momma sure hopes you will grow into a strong and kind big brother someday.

Gavin, our hearts are already so full of love for you. We talk about you by name, and already act as though you are part of the family. We have big dreams and plans of what life will be like once you are here, but we are also pretty sure that you will be running the show (in lots of ways) from day one.

You have been so sweet to your Momma over these last seven months. Not one ounce of morning sickness and an overall joy to carry around with me every day. Sure, I have backaches and leg cramps and evenings where I cannot possibly get off the couch for anything other than ice cream, but your Daddy has been so sweet and compassionate in taking care of the both of us. 

Your nursery is coming together quickly and beautifully. You will learn that your Momma is a 'do-er' and is constantly running circles around herself trying to keep on top of every little thing. I have a feeling that God plans to use you to teach me that checking off my to-do list does not make the world go round.

We are getting our home and our hearts ready to meet you, sweet boy. We cannot wait to see what this next part of our journey has in store for us. Never forget just how big a blessing you truly are to us. You will be the one that formally names us 'Momma and Daddy' and for that, we will be forever grateful. We have prayed for you and dreamt about you countless times, and know that our world is about to be forever changed.

Do your Momma one more favor and stay inside for at least the next three months, but let's try not to push it too far past then, OK?!

See you soon!

Momma & Daddy

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

I think his little letter was very sweet & very heartfelt! I loved it sweet girl I must admit my favorite part may be the do' er part & sadly that too will be me! Crazy but true....