Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday Wish List: The One Where I Get Really Honest With You ...

Well, it's Wednesday again, and time for another wish list! This week, I thought I'd do something a little different than just another material wish list.

I had the privilege of attending a women's retreat with some wonderful ladies from my church over the weekend, so I thought maybe I would take this Wednesday and share with you about that. But, I think I'll save that for another day. A day when I'm feeling more positive and really want to share all of the wonderful insights that we learned.

Today, I really want to share the number one thing on my "wish list" these days: a new job.

Let me give you a little history. Back in 2009, I was working at a law firm as a recruiter. I loved that job. So much so that I knew that once B and I got engaged, we may need to consider staying closer to that job in VA, as opposed to me relocating to MD. Well, the legal industry took a serious hit when the economy tanked, and I was one of the unfortunate ones to be laid off when the inevitable "reduction in force" came along. I was devastated and pretty shocked that I was effected. I had never been let go from a job before - it was pretty awful.

Luckily, I had B and lots of wonderful friends to take me out for drinks immediately help pick me up and get me back on track. I was too worried about money and my future to really take any time off, so I hit the ground running. I applied for countless jobs, and decided to take the layoff as a sign that I was now ready to move to MD and finally be closer to B. So, I moved in with some friends in Baltimore, and a short month later, my future father-in-law hired me to run the Marketing department at his IT company. My father-in-law had asked me a few times in the past if I would come work for him, but I was always employed somewhere else and not ready to make a move.

Well, November of 2009 was finally the right time for me to take on the challenge of my "soon-to-be-family's" business. Sure, lots of people asked me if I was "sure" I wanted to work with the family I was marrying into, but I didn't really see it being a problem since I liked them all so much.

Fast forward sixteen months later, and I am still working for the family business, I'm a newlywed, and I'm just not feeling like my career is satisfying me. Sure, it's not easy to work with your husbands family, but would it be harder to move on than to just stick it out? After all, I felt like I owed them so much for rescuing me at a time where I felt like I had few options. This was the decision that I was mulling over and over throughout the last few months.

Well, I finally made my decision. I finally decided that I no longer wanted to mix my personal and professional life so closely together, and have put in my "three weeks?" Coming to this decision was liberating for me. I feel like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I can now focus on what will make me happy in my professional life, and then enjoy my in-laws as just that. Family.

What's next for me? I'm not sure yet, but I'm hoping it won't take me too long to figure all of that out. I am blessed beyond belief with a husband who supports me no matter what, and has chosen to exercise his support to its fullest in this circumstance. I'm excited to see what God has in store for us. After all, I'm no longer on my own, I'm part of a team, and I love it.


Molly said...

That's exciting girl, congrats on coming to that decision. I'm sure it was a tough one. There is NO way I would be able to work with my in-laws, ha! I'll be praying for you to find a new job SOON :)

Jumping Jack said...

That's so excited! Can't wait to hear what the future holds for you!

Carrie said...

That is very exciting. I know exactly what it feels like to be "stuck" in a job that you feel isn't taking you in the right direction.

Best of luck on your search! I have seen a significant amount of "communications"-type jobs opening up in the south east lately - a very good sign! I think you will find something soon :)