Monday, February 13, 2012

A Little About This 'Love Nest' and Another Linkup!

I have had so much fun getting to know new bloggers lately, that I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to linkup with Neely for her 'Get Your Blog Out There' linkup today! Better late then never, right?

Well, for those of you who don't know me already, I'm Pam, the author of this little slice if the internet. I started blogging at the end of 2008, and took about a year long hiatus while I was planning my wedding. Oops.

Speaking of my wedding, that cute guy at the top right of this blog? That's my adorable husband, B. We were married in November of 2010, and since then, have been learning our new roles of husband and wife, adopting a puppy, buying our very first home and creating lots of newlywed memories!

I blog here semi-regularly, though sometimes, I wish it was more often. You'll catch me writing about wedding details, favorite recipes, DIY projects and our house renovation process!! You can also catch me here and here.

If you've been reading, but haven't introduced yourself, please do! I love meeting fellow women/bloggers/newlyweds!!

And, don't forget to head over to Neely's blog and link your blog up, too!


Emily said...

Found you through the link up, what a cute blog! Looking forward to following along with all of your newlywed adventures!

Unknown said...

That is a beautiful wedding photo! Love your veil a lot! And such a sweet picture of your puppy, they grow fast huh?

Emily said...

Cute blog! And pretty pictures. I am also a semi-regular blogger. Actually i am more of a lazy blogger. But it's quality not quantity right???

Neely said...

Thank you for linking up doll! Loved learning more about you :)

Life As Wife said...

So glad I found you through Instagram! Your life is so adorable!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I am getting married in June and can't wait to start our lives as newlyweds!!